dimanche 21 décembre 2014

Minfree settings in CM12 Roms topic

As there are again and again discussions concerning the minfree settings in CM12 roms, I decided to open this thread. If a moderator thinks, this is the wrong place for this thread, just move it, to where it belongs.

Obviously, since the last builds of CM12, the settings for minfrees cause some trouble. After a clean install of any rom, the minfree settings in trickstermod and in fauxclock are completely empty. In fauxclock the settings for OOM (out of memory) Score as well. Some people entered them manually, but I'm afraid, this won't help.

To really solve this, you have to do the following steps: open your file explorer, go to sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters. There you will find 5 files. Two of them do not have correct permissions. The first one, called adj, is for the OOM Scores. The other one, called minfree, is, you won't guess it, for the minfrees. :fingers-crossed:

As you see, both of them have only write permissions, but no read permissions. So I guess, the system will ignore these settings completely. I checked this, using cool tool from play store, very nice tool to show for example the actual free ram in your status bar. And in deed, the ram went down to 25MB, after I had opened a handful apps, and then my phone stopped working. I only could do a reboot.

Now the solution, which is quite easy: change the permissions into rw-rw-rw (666), and maybe change the group under owners into root (I'm not sure, if this is necessary, but it does make no problems, so why not).

Et voilà - if you now open trickstermod or fauxclock again, you will see the preset parameters. As you can see also, the minfrees there are really high. In another thread, there have been suggested the following settings, which are a good standard:

trickstermod 48/60/72/84/96/120
fauxclock 12288/15360/18432/21504/24576/30720

Important: In fauxclock, the minfree settings are not made in MB. You have to enter the so called "pages" for minfrees, which I can't explain exactly, what this is. In general, if you want to change minfrees in fauxclock, just take the settings in MB, you want to, and multiply by 256. This will give you the correct values.
BTW I don't think, it's a good idea, to change the OOM Scores, as long as you do not know exactly, what you're doing.

So, hopefully I could help a bit and clear some things up. But the final question to the CM devs remains:

is this a bug or is this a feature? :confused:

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